Hi,my name is Varun Menon
I'm a 1st yr student at SRM University, newly minted and pretty hopeful. This is an unfiltered account of all my creations,projects and general interests of the week.
Hello!, I'm Varun Menon, amateur coder, student and all-around tech enthusiast based in Chandigarh and Chennai.
People often ask the question (well, maybe not often...) about what I'm pursuing in life, and like any good engineering student, I simply say I don't know. But this 'portfolio' might cast a light into the inner workings of a perpetually perfunctory CS student; and might even urge me to accomplish things.
"May your days be as dark as your deeds :)"
I have a base understanding of python and currently of C. I have good comprehension skills and above avarage speaking skills. Currently I am working on my solidworks CAD skills and mechanical handiness as a member of the club robocon.
I have also started to delve into the field of machine learning and of course, reading a ton of books.
my humble beginnings. Did all my schooling here and was a pretty great student, graduated with the gold badge of Speaker and having done a few projects of coding and robotics.
The start of college. Not a glowing one mind you, but just good enough. A few rough weeks, a bad hostel and signing up for all sorts of clubs and events. getting starting with C and DSA.
MEmber and Associate
Fully adjusted. Aced exams and more importantly, got into top 2 clubs on campus. ROBOCON after a greuling 2 months of training in mechanics and Next Tech Lab after a satisfactory showcase abilities. Now to juggle the 2 of em and complete assignments...
To be continued.
if for some unforseeable reason, you wish to contact me, here is all my personal and topical information in a neat and concise form.
it's all with google anyways...
+91 9888952808 oori hostel, SRM university, Ktr varun29.vm@gmail.com varun-hoard.github.io/